2nd Kanon, Irmos – Ode 9 Regular OCA Translation : Rejoice, O Queen, glory of mothers and virgins.No tongue, however sweet or fluent is eloquent enough to praise you worthily.Every mind is overawed by your childbearing.Therefore with one voice we glorify you Archimandrite Ephrem (from Greek) : Hail Queen, glorious virgin mother;For every fluent, every…
Author: Mark Isaac
4th week Pascha : Wednesday Matins
IKOS You watered my parched and barren soul with the rich crimson streams of Your precious blood.You made me bear fruits of righteousness;You bade all to come to You, all-holy Word of God: Draw the water of immortality! It is living water; it cleanses sins away!Cleanse us who offer praise to Your glorious Resurrection, Good…
“With Your pure hand, you created mankind; You came to heal the sick, compassionate Christ! You raised the paralytic at the Sheep’s Pool by Your word, You cured the woman of her painful haemorrhage. You had mercy on the Canaanite woman’s daughter. You did not reject the centurion’s request.” MONDAY VESPERS : LORD I CALL…
Spiritual Wellness Checkup
I have just returned from my yearly ‘wellness checkup’ at my local GP (ie doctor). I didn’t actually talk to a doctor neither did I undergo a physical exam, instead, the checkup consisted of a nurse administering a questionnaire which comprised questions about general life habits – eating well, sleeping, medications etc – and also…