
Pascha photos 2021

After the Divine Liturgy for Lazarus Saturday we had a church cleaning morning to spruce up the building for Holy Week and Pascha. I took some photos of people at work.

Palm Sunday

Mainly the procession of children with palms.

Holy Thursday

In the evening of Holy Thursday the Matins for Holy Friday with 12 gospels is served.

Holy Friday

In the afternoon of Holy Friday the Vesperal Liturgy for Holy Saturday is served.


Lamentations with procession of the Shroud is served in the early evening of Holy Friday.

Holy Saturday

Before the Vesperal Liturgy of St Basil with its 15 Old testament readings there was the Chrismation of two Catechumens.

Following this was Vespers for evening of Holy Saturday and then Divine Liturgy of St Basil.


Such a joyful celebration with people in the nave, the Fellowship Hall and outside in the tent on the patio.